On this, the 10th day since my return to this reality (So. California), very profound messages were presented to me today. An hour long conversation with a dear friend brought continued awareness to the importance that our emotions have on creating this new reality....or living the new dream. As we mirror to one another things that at times a little difficult to see and to feel, I have this opportunity to choose to allow my energy to linger in the "old" or now recognize the beauty and love that I am and step into my new space. I see where once the old emotions would cause great pain, though now I am able to see the strength come out of all the different situations. I have a choice, just as each of you do. As I look at one another and our world with new eyes, I feel the compassion.
Last night while reading The Divine Matrix by Gregg Braden....I came across the following: Gregg was in Tibet and sitting to speak with the new abbot of a monastery...... Gregg asks, "What connects us with one another, our world, and the universe? What's the 'stuff' that carries our prayers beyond our bodies and holds the world together?" The abbott answers, "Compassion". The deepest elements of the teaching suggest that in order to achieve compassion, we must approach a circumstance without a strong expectation of the rightness or wrongness of that situation's outcome. In other words, we must perceive it without judgment or ego.
Compassion........I feel that stronger than ever now after speaking with my friend. So can compassion help to heal the old wounds? Will compassion be the catalyst for healing the planet? Does compassion work even if someone is struggling? So many questions to explore.
Today, a profound and amazing YouTube video was posted on Facebook. So I sat back for 10 minutes to listen to it. I found myself getting teary eyed, though in a strange way....hopeful!! That's it, I thought. My new dream--I can have my NEW DREAM!! What does your New Dream look like?
We are in this place and time of co-creating our dreams!! It is possible to share all of these incredible things that are resting in my heart....just waiting for that perfect time. No one will judge, criticize or squish my dreams. Now is the time.
I invite you to take 10 minutes everyday, and listen to this powerful message. If you feel so guided, join me at one of the upcoming gatherings: Navigating through the Changes ~ Living with Trust, Faith and a Suitcase filled with Love!!

All my love,
Jean Kowalski
Journey of the Heart & Soul
Thank you Jean, I Love you!