Here is a shortened version of the last month, going across country.
This journey that I took will be one I will never forget! I left Southern California on Sept 24th and headed north. First stop.....Ennis, Montana for a 2-day workshop. This was my first time to visit the great state of Montana. I totally feel in love with the pristine, ice-cold rivers and the glorious mountains.
The workshop was a combination of painting and healing and I was so blessed to have 5 amazing women in the weekend gathering. We painted, laughed, cried, danced, drummed at the river's side. We were so blessed with the presence of the animals; from the horses out back, cats, deer, hummingbird moth, hornets (yes, they represent sisterhood) and to finalize the weekend.....a huge black bear! It was magical.
Then on Monday I left for Rapid City, South Dakota to stay with some old friends of mine. The drive across Montana was quite endless. I never realized it was such a huge state. It was 1,000's of deer and antelope, open land, no cell connection and no civilization for miles! So I had to stay fully connected and focused on keeping the animals off the road. Well I got to Rapid City, in the dark, and almost hit 3 deer right in town!!! Say what??!!!! Thanks to the angels I missed them.
Had a fun visit with my friends and met a beautiful soul sister, who is an amazing healer. On day 2 I started getting a little headache...not sure what brought it on. All night it got worse, though I needed to leave in the morning to start the journey to Wisconsin. I left about 7:30 on the highway and got sick. Had to keep pulling to the side of the road. I remember at one point I pulled off on a ramp and fell asleep. After coming to, I got back on the road, still sick. I'm not sure where I was, though ended up on an overpass in the middle of nowhere. I only remember bits and pieces of that time frame. Thank God my new soul sister that I had just met the day before, called me. She saw what was spirit was needing much work. Come to find out, she worked on me for hours, from a distance. It was some time later and was feeling a couple hairs better. I just knew I needed to get to a motel and a bed. Tried to start the juice. I had left the lights on so therefore the battery died. So I called AAA, but I remember after the call I think I checked out again. Came back and still no AAA. Called again and the guy was trying to find me. He arrived and said that town was 10 miles down the road. So I talked myself into doing's only 10 miles, I can do it, I can do it. Got checked in and fell into bed. About 9pm the intense headache subsided I was able to walk over to the gas station and get some crackers and chicken noodle soup. YUM....
Through this whole process, there was definitely something taking place on deeper levels. I still don't understand it all. What I do know was that I only traveled 60 miles in 10 hours.
Next morning, much better....just felt like I was beat up. Went to the gas station to fill up the car. When I went to turn the car on, no juice in the battery!!! The gas station people happened to know the AAA guy and all of a sudden we look up and he's pulling off of the highway and passing right in front of the gas station!! I wasn't even off of the phone with AAA and he came back, jumped the car and ready to go!!! He looked at me and said, "at least you look better today than you did yesterday!!" Thank you angels.
I made it to Wisconsin late that day. Lots of miles and some rain at the end, though ok.
I had 1 person for the workshop in Wisconsin. Had a lovely time being it was an old friend!! Later that week I went to a little town in northern Wisconsin, called Bruce. I spent the day at a friends healing space, doing angel readings/healings. Total blast until I met up with "Petey the Porcupine"!! Petey was in the wrong place at the wrong time!! Or maybe it was the right place and he was ready to move on to animal spirit world. Yes, he left his 30,000 quills in my radiator!!
I got to my friend Meaghan's horse farm. It was Divine to pull in there and see the dogs, cats and all the horses and beautiful land. Just what I needed.
The next day I did readings/healings for 3 of her friends. They all went well. That evening my head was feeling a little goofy. Went to bed, got up in the morning with a headache. It got so bad, so fast. Before I could blink I was sicker than a dog and totally in-coherent. Remembering only bits and pieces of this day, the bigger picture was being shown on whether I was chosing to stay or to go. So my friend from Rapid City and Meaghan (whom I was staying with), helped me to stay.
So guides were telling them that I don't drive home for 10 days. So I had an extended stay at the farm. The horses were amazing.....I really connected with a 3-year old, Kobalt!! We had great communication...he helped me get back on my feet. Everyday I would take apples and carrots out to all the horses....22 of them!! Also one night, a couple of nights before I left, one of the barn kitties got stepped on and her poor leg was mangled. She choose to move across the rainbow bridge that night. We were quite sad....her name was Dahlila....she, too, was a great communicator!
It took me 4 days to get home......through pouring rain, huge winds and sand storms in the desert.
The crazy thing with all of this is it took all my senses into higher dimensions and extreme sensitivity. Going across the country I was picking up the grief, strife, the death and destruction of years gone by. So for the whole trip I was anchoring light deep within the earth, repairing the grid system and helping spirits cross over.
So I am back to Southern California and to the beautiful and healing ocean.
What next....I'm not sure as yet, though am trusting that the Universe will show me!!
Through this whole process, it became very clear that it is now time for "WE"! We are here together to co-create and experience heaven on earth.
Can we live and share from the heart, from that core of who we truly are.......beautiful, gorgeous beings of Light? I say we can..........
I look forward to connecting with you real soon.
Forever in the Divine Space of Love & Light,
Gotta love journeys! They always seem to change you and shape you into something new and for the better--even though its got some painful pitstops. Whew! Well, the horses and I can't wait until you come back to see us! I KNOW we are changed for the better since you arrived. Things are clearer, more cheerful and brighter after your Angellic energy blessed us with its gifts. We miss you !!!