It's time to get back to the blog postings!
Come along with me on the journey.
It's Sunday, March 14, 2010.... After a couple of months of uncertainty, the messages became clear that I was to hit the road again. It's only 4 1/2 months since I returned from the last big trip around the country, so I thought how can I possibly do this again! Spirit does work in mysterious ways!
It was an intensely emotional week, sharing time with dear friends, saying good byes (or see ya laters) to my soul family and once again, gently walking away from my son and our cat. A couple of years ago he reminded me that it's about the journey, not the destination! So, yesterday morning I finished packing the car with some things that will be needed for an indefinite period of time! The challenge is going from one climate zone to another!!
After receiving amazing and beautiful gifts from dear friends, the journey began.
Here is the beginning of Romancing the Road!
The wildflowers of purple, yellow and gold were gorgeous and abundant along the rolling hills and mountainside's of the eastern portion of the Los Angeles area. Saving my sandwich until I got on open highway to eat, the first bite produced a huge blob of avocado right on my chest...laughing I thought how perfect that was to have this yummy green blob right on my heart chakra!! Then moving into the high desert and noticing the swift change of beauty. No longer the wildflowers, though huge expanses of "nothing-ness". Rocky mountains, sage brush, ancient land. I speak of this "nothing-ness" often, as this is the space where beautiful messages come through from Spirit!
So often I hear of people speak of how boring it is (and I too have mentioned this) so I decided to "Romance the Road" on this entire trip. How can I love this place right now, right here? I started seeing myself One with this road, with the expansive-ness of brushy, rocky land, One with the wildflowers., feeling, sharing, touching, heart. What is your definition of romance?
As I walked around the hotel this morning as the sun came up, the signs started appearing left and right. I was hearing, "what does your road look like?". Is it a paved, straight road? Is is a single dirt path? Are there two path's set out in front of you? Or are you able to go against the grain to explore the unknown?
I leave you know with these questions to ask yourself. 1) How do you Romance the Road? 2) Will you take the safe way or the road less traveled?!
Join me on FaceBook (Jean Kowalski) where I will be posting the majority of the photo's and updates.
Until tomorrow........
enJOY the ride!
Jean Kowalski
PS......I forgot to mention where I am the most glorious farm you would ever want to see!!! My dear friend Meaghan's farm in St. Charles, Illinos!!!
I love your theme about roads! Seems like everyone's roads are twisting and turning and changing direction lately--makes for a more interesting way to learn our karmic lessons, eh? I feel as though my road is a smooth, winding, earthen road less travelled amongst big, tall beautiful trees winding through an ancient forest--dimly lit by streaming sunrays peeking through the boughs. Love those old trees--so grounding yet God-like.