Dear Friends,After waking up in Needles to an amazing sunrise, I set out on day 2 to see what kind of Romance would greet me on this glorious day. First stop….Juicy’s Restaurant!! (what a great name!) I overheard the waitress greeting a couple of men in the next booth. She asked the one gentleman..How are you today? (I noticed that he is a regular customer at Juicy's)
His answer….
I’m livin’ the dream! WOW….what a profound answer and statement! What if everyone had an answer like that? The energetics would totally shift around us and through us. So I decided to walk this day with eyes and ears wide open. Because of this commitment, it was a day I will not forget!
Heading out on the highway it was truly fascinating to witness the diversity of the earth. From green bushy shrubs, to rocky hills, to snow at 7000 feet in Flagstaff, Arizona, to barren desert and on and on!
I stopped in Yucca, Arizona to take pictures for my son to paint and I noticed these sweet yellow flowers. I’m not sure what kind they are, though I am so amazed how they can grow and

blossom in the dry, dry earth! Talk about being totally grounded deep into mother earth!! So as I was working on taking a picture of them, I kept walking around them trying not to get my shadow in the picture! Well, I did succeed with that. Back on the highway, I started contemplating these flowers and the photo.
How often do we keep walking around something to avoid the “shadow”?
Why do we feel we need to sometimes hide that “shadow”?
What’s wrong with bringing the “shadow” forward…front and center and observing it (taking that picture)?
I know I have done this myself….almost like a dog trying to catch its tail!!
Have you ever done this?
It’s time we all step up to the plate and let that “shadow” be photographed!!! Are you in?
On the same subject, later afternoon I was taking note of the beautiful clouds and how interestingly they cast shadows down on the earth and rocks. Hummm, I thought. Here it is, Father Sky (masculine energy) with beautiful white puffy clouds on top and darkness on the bottom of the clouds, casting these “shadows” onto Mother Earth (feminine energy)!!! Are you getting this picture??!!! Fascinating. I will be doing much more contemplating on this!

Another amazing event was when I was feeling a pull to stop at this small town called Ash Fork, Arizona. I saw a sign for tourist information and museum. Thinking how fun it would be to see some local history, for one because I am really drawn to the Native American teachings, art and culture. The man that was working there was helping a couple other people so I strolled through on my own. When he finished, I asked him to tell me about the rocks in the area. Firstly, this area is known for “Flagstone”….beautiful for flooring, signs, etc. I was fortunate to get sample of this amazing rock. Then I noticed a poster talking about Obsidian! Yes, it comes from this area also! This gentleman’s name was Roy and if you know me….I LOVE rocks and crystals! He shared a story with me about when he and a buddy found 2 6-8 inch crystal points! From there he began telling me about a few instances when he started seeing his deceased loved ones. Note the word deceased!!! He said that someone who is into this kind of thing told me that if it happened once, it will happen again!! How beautifully the Universe lined us up to talk about rocks, crystals and dead people! SWEET!!!!! I do feel it was re-assurance for him to know that it’s a great gift!! Sweet Angels.
The day actually flew by….all 10 hours of driving. Tomorrow I will venture up through Colorado and into Nebraska!!! Let’s see what amazing things the Universe has for tomorrow.
Thank you for walking the journey with me. As I said before, we are all One so as I walk it, you walk it!!! Open your heart and feel this healing, the love of Gaia and the call of the horses.
Join me for Day 3!!!
Jean Kowalski